30 years ago I was a teenage single mom on welfare who wanted to be a good mother. When my baby was sick I took her to the doctor and she was prescribed antibiotics. My baby suffered a reaction and I knew then that I wanted to find a healthier and safer way to care for my daughter. It took a few years but I finally learned how to use natural remedies. I went on to give birth to four healthy babies at home and didn’t take my children to the doctor since that first time for illness. For 20 years I have studied natural healing and put the lessons learned to work in my own family, now I’m ready to share the secrets of health, healing and happiness with YOU!

Water is the most important nutrient in the body, yet dehydration is the most common nutrient deficiency today. Good old H20 makes up 55 to 60% of a human’s total body mass, and the vast majority of our cells and body fluids. Fun fact: the average adult carries 10 to 13 gallons of water inside them! Most people can last about 8 weeks without food, but only days without water. Why? Because water is essential for so many body processes: here are just a few of water’s many roles:
1) Transporting nutrients and waste: Water helps bring nutrients, hydration, and oxygen to our cells, and takes away toxins and cellular waste.
2) Cell-to-cell communication: Proper hydration allows cells to communicate with each other more easily and maintain their proper electrical charges.
3) Protecting tissues: Water helps cushion bones and joints, absorb shocks to the body, regulate body temperature, and moisten air for easier breathing.
Find out more about water

Day to day we don’t think much about our breathing, but no one would question it is vital for our survival! The truth is we take this most fundamental activity for granted. Yet the difference between just breathing and breathing well is immense.
Breathing is not an intellectual activity. Your unconscious breathing allows you to survive, but when you habitually hold or restrict your breath, that which once naturally empowered you suddenly becomes a danger. Breathing affects your respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular and psychic systems, and also has a huge effect on your sleep, your memory, your energy level, and your concentration. The process of breathing lies at the center of every action and reaction we make or have and so by returning to it we go to the core of the stress response. When we breathe well, we create the optimum conditions for health and well-being.

Students come to yoga for a variety of reasons. For many it is a way to relax and reduce stress from living in a world of cell phones, high-pressure jobs, relationship challenges, and the fast pace of modern life. Yoga’s widely proclaimed health benefits bring many people to the practice. For those of us who have experienced trauma through loss and are moving through the pain of grief, yoga can be a lifeline. Grief turns us inside out and upside down and so does yoga; compassionately, lovingly, individually, it meets us where we are in ourselves. Yoga guides us to a way of life that promotes healthy intentional change. It is a way of self-love and love for all.

Why should you meditate? We meditate to enjoy our lives more fully and to heal from our pain. We mediate to enrich and to enhance our lives. We meditate for better emotional and physical health and to enhance creativity. Cyndi Rai is a certified Chopra Meditation Instructor and certifies students in Primordial Sound Meditation through 3-Day Meditation Retreats. Primordial Sound Meditation is a technique that allows us to take our awareness from the active level of the mind to quieter levels of the thinking process until eventually we slip beyond thought altogether to a level of pure silence, pure awareness. When we come out of meditation, we bring some of that silence—some of that awareness—into our everyday lives.
More about meditation

Loving, appropriate physical touch is lacking in our culture. Massage can be a way to feel better not only physically but emotionally.
Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It’s increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.
Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.
While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for:
• Anxiety
• Digestive disorders
• Fibromyalgia
• Headaches
• Insomnia related to stress
• Myofascial pain syndrome
• Soft tissue strains or injuries
• Sports injuries
• Temporomandibular joint pain
Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection.

Most of us are physically or mentally sick and we don’t know why. Proper nutrition plays a key role in creating our bodies and minds but there is so much confusion about what a healthy diet looks like. Learn about whole foods nutrition and experience whole food meals during a retreat. You can be healthy again, your body has the ability to heal itself if given the rights tools. 7Roots guides you in a lifestyle that gives you the tools to heal.
More about nutrition

Ayurveda, ancient yet timeless, gives you the means of attaining and maintaining your own optimal health and well-being. The benefits of Ayurvedic medicine have been proven over centuries of use, and its methodologies are as applicable today in the West as they were thousands of years ago in India.
More about Ayurveda